Friday, 8 November 2013

Studying Japanese

Among my other modules, I have to admit I spent most of my time for this Japanese 3 module. I want to do well mostly because I like the teacher ;)

Thinking about how much effort I put to do well in this module, I would accept nothing less than A for this.

The grading for the module is as such:
Continuous Assessment : 70%
Final Examination : 30%

Components for CA:
1. Attendance
So far I have perfect attendance. (But so does everybody else)

2. Class Participation
I think I would get average mark for this. When I did prepare for the class, the teacher never asked me to do anything. When I didn't prepare, she asked me to do a lot of dialogue QAQ

3. Dialogue Performance
I did memorize all the dialogue in Tutorial C, so I think I did pretty well. (But so do most of the people)

4. Quizzes
- 9 lecture quizzes   (37/47)
- 13 vocab quizzes  (I lost one of the quiz :( let's say I got 122/130)
- 5 listening quizzes  (24/25)

5. Homework
I don't know how they mark the homework, but generally I did quite well.

6. Mid-term test
38/50, at least above average

7. Writing Practices
Oh-kay only.

8. Writing Assignment
- Individual "Invitation Letter" (sucks)
- Group "Invitation Letter" (oh-kay only)
- Individual "Campus Guide"  (quite sucks)
- Group "Campus Guide" (oh-kay only)
- Kansobun draft (oh-kay)
- Kansobun final (maybe okay)

9. Observation Report
I really don't know how they mark this kind of thing. It's even written in English. Oh-kay, I think.

10. Reading Assignments
We didn't even need to submit the assignment :/

11. Oral Interview
I just did the oral interview. It was just oh-kay. I remember I had wrong grammar used in some parts.

Yes, if you realize, there are really a lot of CA components, and you don't even know how they mark it. If I think I do quite well on the final exam and I get less than A for the final grade, I would be very sad. Mostly because I don't know what else is needed to get that A grade. I did generally quite well on the quizzes, but no matter how hard I study, it seems that the other students are better than me. That is quite depressing, right?

If you see the above components, the one that I might do quite badly is the writing assignments. But seriously, I put "oh-kay only" because compared to the other groups, my group's was very plain. The others had theirs made to look like a certificate, engraved on high-quality gold paper and they even had a tube. I was seriously shocked when I saw it.

Although I never really care about my results, it would be quite depressing to get less than A for that much effort I put in :(

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